The Next Big Project

An excerpt from an upcoming choreographic project: Two households, both alike in dignity, From collegiate grudge break to new mutiny, One, from a swamp with Champions sweat fresh, Another, from Royal steps and ancient finesse. In fair Florida, where we lay our scene, Where football fans make civil hands unclean. A pair of star cross’d … Continued

Be true to youself

Video inspiration today comes from a group out in California called “Entity.” This group has found considerable success out on the west coast. They even auditioned for the next season of America’s Best Dance crew and made it through callbacks. The crazy thing is that the crew is an ultra contemporary group dancing to an … Continued

MyPhone- Social Crutch app

Have you ever been put into an semi-awkward social situation by yourself with nothing to do but find a means of entertainment to pass the time? Thank God for our super cool tech-fun phones. We can just stick our heads into them and take ourselves out of wherever we are. I truly wonder what people … Continued

ABDC doing it big

The new season of the show starts at the beginning of April on MTV. Unfortunately for my cru, I’m not allowed to talk about our casting status. I can however post some wicked cool videos of some of the people that came out to our audition in Houston, Texas. Check it out… One of the … Continued

The Maturity Barrier

Recently I’ve been doing a lot of girly choreography in an effort to bring out the dormant sass in my students. The movement is a little risky at times and I push the boundaries of PG suggestive themes so I only teach it to my older students. About a week ago my younger girls pleaded … Continued

The New Hip Hop Era

Keeping up with the most influential trends of pop culture has been one of my favorite hobbies for quite sometime. Some trends were pretty lame and others were awesome until the radio over played them. Either way I have always kept track because someday I hope to pass on my knowledge of what is and … Continued

A Love Story

Some people say love is supposed to bring out the best in people. If love is the purest good then maybe lust is somewhere on the opposite side of the spectrum. Love is long-term, lust is short-term; love will bring you up, lust will drag you down; love grows, lust fizzles. One thing that they … Continued

America’s Best dance cru

Its been quite the hiatus. Not from life but just from blogging. Now is as good a time as any to catch up with the biggest thing I’ve tried to do in dance to date. Tonight Apocalypse and myself are on the road to Houston texas for the auditions for America’s Best dance cru on … Continued

Times Change

Closing out the school semester, I took an interesting history course that started somewhere in the renaissance and ended in modern day. So in one of the last classes my teacher handed us a printed version of “Housekeeping Monthly” from May of 1955. The name of the article is called “The Good Wife’s Guide” and … Continued

Why do you dance?

We took some time out in modern class today to discuss a simple but important question for everyone. Why do we dance? What keeps us coming back everyday. I wrote down a lot of things and was really intrigued by everyone else’s answers. So what is it all about for me? From a health standpoint, … Continued