The new season of the show starts at the beginning of April on MTV. Unfortunately for my cru, I’m not allowed to talk about our casting status. I can however post some wicked cool videos of some of the people that came out to our audition in Houston, Texas. Check it out…
One of the favorites for this season from our audition is “IamMmE” dance cru featuring youtube superstars PacMan and Moon
Here’s a bboy cru from Miami called “Illmatik phlow”
Also from the Houston area is “Alien Tactics cru”
Collizion cru
Another texas native “Illovation”
And finally- yours truly: Apocalypse
Check everybody out and see what you think. This is just our competition from the south. Other auditions in New York and the west coast are pretty fierce including some crews that are formed from choreographers and stuntmen of previous crews that have been on the show.