Its been quite the hiatus. Not from life but just from blogging. Now is as good a time as any to catch up with the biggest thing I’ve tried to do in dance to date. Tonight Apocalypse and myself are on the road to Houston texas for the auditions for America’s Best dance cru on MTV. There are only 4 audition cities this year and Houston was the closest to us. The other 3 were in LA, NY, and Chicago. Its crazy to think that we are as ready as we are ever going to be for such an experience. For the past two weeks our small group of five have done nothing but train and push ourselves to our physical and choreographic limits. We have had late nights at the studio; three and four in the morning, just working. Sunday is culmination of everything we have been working for and I’m pretty nervous about it. The plan is to drive the 14 hours through the night, sleep, and then audition in the morning. Its pretty intense and I plan on making many personal epiphanies along the way. So here begins either the saddest or happiest weekend of my life.