
Recently, I was asked to do something for Martin Luther king day. Something culturally enlightening to educate myself. I ended up just slacking the day away like many of my other peers had done. It wasn’t until after that I realized that I was being challenged to take a sympathetic look at the world around … Continued

Apoc Tryouts

And a lovely MLK holiday weekend to all. A lot of people get excited about these kinds of weekends because they get an amazing 3 days off instead of the usual 2. Well in my world I don’t really have any days off. I usually just go from one class to the next, and then … Continued

The Battle of Ballet: Mind over Body

There is a certain amount of self hatred that comes with the non conventional ballet dancer. Its a hatred based on the constant reminder that you are not perfect in the eyes of ancient eastern European royalty. Ballet, in its purest Russian form, favors the duck footed and long, skinny dancers. Flexibility, especially in the … Continued

The Great Soreness

There is a pain that every athlete and fitness person knows. It comes from the return. I call it that becomes there are really a few things to return to. There is a return from personal vacation- the period of time when you can let your body relax. There is a return from work- you … Continued

Ynot- something meaningful

Everybody does it at some point today whether you talk about it or not. Even before it became a tradition there always comes a moment when you reflect back on your life or life in general. So I say, why not today? Not only are we passing into another year but passing through the first … Continued

Injury inspired writing

When I was Invincible When I was young I learned early on that I could will my body into doing great things. If I perceived it, I could become faster, move quicker, and be smarter than my opponents. Soccer was my weapon of choice, mainly out of a strong hispanic tradition. On the field I … Continued

A Narrative

True story: I’m allergic to peanuts. Here is a story I wrote about the first time I was hospitalized for it. Finally, I was calm and as the Benadryl took its effect, I became more aware of my surroundings. The air was sterile with the taste of fragrant-less anti-bacterial products. The sheets I laid in … Continued