Plan and simple: if you have a love for dance and a powerful enough squad, you can establish a substantial dance community wherever you are. All it takes is a drive to constantly improve and a little bit of networking. That’s how it worked for SoReal Crew. A successful crew from the 2nd season of America’s Best Dance Crew, they used their notoriety to unite dancers in the greater Houston area. Now there is a booming dance scene there because one crew made it happen.
When Apocalypse was asked why we don’t have any big workshops in our hometown, we found many excuses but none that were irrefutable. Every excuse we tried to use as a crutch had a viable solution that other crews had to find in order to make dance important in their community. So we stopped our lame excuses and decided to just do it. On Saturday May 14th, Apocalypse held its first multi-studio workshop in Gainesville. We started off cheap to get interest and will gradually try to self-promote ourselves into local fame. All it takes is a little bit of networking and we were already on the way with 4 confirmed studios making an appearance. Additionally, we had students of dance fundamentals classes from Santa Fe College and University of Florida coming in to watch.
As we continue to dance at workshops across Florida this summer and meet more dancers from other crews we will eventually start bringing in people from out of town to hang out with us. This will ultimately increase the proficiency of our choreography which will bring more outside interest and eventually force Gainesville to step up their dance community. At least, that’s what we are hoping for.
The next workshop is this weekend: Apoc Workshop 7-24